Contacto tu Rep

We are asking members to send emails to their representatives regarding our agricultural workers campaign.

Step 1: Find your represenative's contact info

This is a sample campaign to test out the “Contact My Rep” WordPress plugin written by Prometheus Labor Communications. The plugin allows users to quickly look up their elected officials and send them and email from the website.


  • Looks up user’s state reps email and phone based on their address
  • Can be easily modified to search for local officials and federal officials as well
  • Can also obtain twitter and facebook links for reps as well (coming soon)
  • Ability to run multiple campaigns simultaneously
  • Admin interface for adding new campaigns
    • In the admin interface, you can:
      • Add the default email subject and body that is sent to reps
      • Turn the ability for users to modify the subject and body on and off
      • Set a “cc” address where copies of petition emails will be sent
      • Place a campaign into test mode to make sure it’s working as expected
  • Great method for collecting user home and email addresses
  • Download data of all petitions and petitioners data (coming soon)
  • Form design can be customized to match look of site by Prometheus